Showing 37–54 of 81 results


hemp tea slim line


El té de cáñamo es  una infusión caliente de flores, semillas y hojas de cáñamo trituradas . Cuando se empapan, los cannabinoides de la planta cruda se liberan en el agua caliente. Añadir una pequeña cantidad de grasa (de leche de vaca o de almendras, por ejemplo) permite que el CBD sea absorbido por nuestro cuerpo porque los cannabinoides son liposolubles.

HHC bears


HHC Bear

25mg HHC each candy

Content: 6 bears

HHC Brownie


HHC Brownie 

250MG HHC each brownie

Content : 1 x 80G

HHC Candy


HHC Candy

25mg HHC each candy

Content: 6 candies

HHC Caramel Waffle


HHC Carmel Waffle

250MG HHC each waffle

 Content: 2 x 60G

HHC Cookies


HHC chocolate chip  cookies

25mg HHC each cookie

Content 6 cookies

Litt Holistic CBD Infused Potpourri


Our CBD Litt Holistic CBD infusion is special to prepare relaxing drinks, and to help you in times of stress, or simply when you feel like drinking a relaxing drink.

You can prepare your CBD drink, purely pure or you can mix it with chamomile and other herbs to achieve a more varied flavor, however you decide to prepare it, our product will give you the relaxing qualities of CBD .

Make this CBD drink with a little hot water and a touch of milk if you like, you could even make a cold drink if you prefer.